January 19, 2020

There is no reason to re-create the wheel

Logo Design Part - IPosted by kexconsulting4 on August 18th, 2017A company’s logo design is very important. A logo will be seen by thousands, and in some cases, millions or billions of customers throughout your company’s lifespan. Many times it is the first representation of your company or brand that customer or perspective customers see. Whether starting or re-evaluating a business, one of the first issues to address is defining your brand. Brands typically consist of a logo, colors, fonts, tag lines, etc. and of course your logo design should incorporate most of these items.

KEX understands the importance of your logo and its design. Whether your logo is for a new company or if you are simply updating your logo’s look and feel, KEX’s design team will develop the perfect logo for your company.Helpful Logo Design TipsA simple yet effective logo is the best approach. The purpose of your logo is the start of an integrated marketing approach that will define your brand. Your logo can be anything, but it does not have to be everything. Very seldom will your logo appear only by itself. In most cases it will be featured with other content so there is no need to over do your logo. Instead keep it simple, and focus on the core of your business. 

Review other logos then select elements that will give you a clean, fresh and reputable logo.Logo Design and FontsYou may have noticed the gramatical error in the above heading but it was not an error! Most logo designs can achieve the desired result using only two different font styles. Typically one font is used for the main text and another for secondary text or the tag line. Then moving forward, as you design websites and other marketing materials, you should follow the same approach.The most important concept when choosing the logo fonts is to accurately capture your brand identity.

 Font selection is very in doing this. Fonts have a great deal of influence on the look and feel of your logo. Just think, there are numerous companies with logos that only contain text and fonts. Finally one of the most important considerations when choosing a font, make sure Coenzyme Q10 Powder it is easy to read!Logo Design and MediumsWhere is your logo going to be used? Many times this question doesn’t seem to get asked or answered. If your logo is going on product packaging then it must look crisp and clean on the package. It is essential to envision your logo and all its potential uses before finalizing a logo design. While it look good on clothing, what about in black and white, on the web?

 All very imporant considerations.Vector Logo DesignBasically this simply means your logo can be proportionately re-sized, no matter how large of small, with no loss in quality (blurry, fuzzy or pixelated appearance). This is even more important if you logo will be used in print. You should receive a number of file versions for your finished logo. This way you can use the appropiate logo file for each corresponding application.Find the Right Logo DesignReview similar logo designs. This is a great way to jump start your logo design process. There is no reason to re-create the wheel. In many cases large companies spend thousands of dollars on logos.

 Leverage this and find ideas for our logo.Get the Logo Design You NeedBy hiring a graphic designer or design firm to create your logo, you are taking a big step to receiving the highest quality logo that will serve your company well for years to come. Be open to new ideas and concepts. Let the designers explain the thinking and rationale behind their logo design. Remember the best logo isn’t necessarily your favorite but rather the one that will prove to be the most effective.For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us atDietary supplement labels, Supplement labels, Vitamin label printing, Supplement label printing&Supplement packaging

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